Heart of worship

Worshipping when you can't raise your hands or sing out loud I have grown up in the church and have a love for praise and worship. One of my earliest memories is from a Sunday School concert where I stood centre stage, singing and dancing to 'Peace like a river'. When the verse 'love like a fountain in my soul' played, I kicked my leg into fountain position backwards, then kicked it forwards to touch the sole of my foot as choreographed by our Sunday School teacher. What my teacher didn't realise was my love for my new slip on shoes and their ability to fly into the second row with that movement!! After I was first diagnosed I remember sitting in church too scared to close my eyes while praying, because I didn't know if I would be able to open them again. I had just recently resigned from helping lead the junior youth because I no longer had the endurance to commit to a Friday night. My voice was prone to becoming an inaudible squeak which cau...