Blog content
A basic breakdown of blog posts from Snowflakes and Spoons
Myasthenia Gravis:
Walk a mile in a pair of MG shoes
My Snowflake Story: Myasthenia Gravis 101
Myasthenia Gravis: The snowflake disease (Guest post: Krugersdorp News)
How to support someone with MG (Guest post: living the diagnosis)
From Wheelchair to First Place
Think yourself happy ... OR NOT!
Myasthenia Gravis and Dogs
Steps to surviving a thymectomy
Myasthenia Gravis and Pregnancy:
An overview of Myasthenia Gravis and Pregnancy
1st Trimester of Pregnancy
2nd Trimester of Pregnancy
3rd Trimester of Pregnancy
Chronic Life: Lifestyle hacks and issues
Counting Spoons: Energy conservation

To work or not to work?
When awareness becomes stigma
Leisure reading hacks
10 ways to keep warm in the winter
Shower hour and personal care
Solving Toileting Needs at home
Medications & Side Effects:
Shelf-life of Mestinon
Help I'm growing a moustache
5 things I learnt about Cyclosporine
Sensory Awareness:
What's your Threshold?
Therapy Ideas:
Mindfulness Challange
Colouring In
Therapeutic Journaling
MG and Health Professionals:
How a Speech Therapist can help a MG warrior
Don't DIS my Speech: How a speech therapist can help Part 2
Occupational Therapy and Chronic Illness
Dumb things Drs say
Effects on the Family:
Sister of a Warrior
Married to MG
Christian Life and Chronic Illness
Heart of worship
The Sacrifice behind Passion
No longer a slave
Clean Baking Ideas:
Christmas Ginger Cookies
Banana Bread
Chocolate Cake
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