3rd Trimester of Pregnancy and MG

I can not believe how time has flown by since we first found out we were expecting. At times it still feels like a foreign concept as we await the arrival of our little boy. For me, the 3rd trimester felt a bit like a 'hurry up and wait' game. At times, there seemed to be too many pressures, classes, appointments and nesting to attend to but all I could really do was be prepared-ish and wait. Here are some tips I picked up during this time: A squeeze until the end As baby takes up more and more room your lung capacity is decreased. Make sure to monitor your breathing and be assertive with your PHC when it is more than being 'pregnant and out of breath' and rather MG related. With this squeeze indigestion and acid reflux often increases. Thankfully most over the counter antacid liquids, like Gaviscon, are safe for MG mommies. Make sure to double check your brand. The baby shower For me, this could only be described as 'A coming together of suppor...