3rd Trimester of Pregnancy and MG

I can not believe how time has flown by since we first found out we were expecting. At times it still feels like a foreign concept as we await the arrival of our little boy.

For me, the 3rd trimester felt a bit like a 'hurry up and wait' game. At times, there seemed to be too many pressures, classes, appointments and nesting to attend to but all I could really do was be prepared-ish and wait.

Here are some tips I picked up during this time:

A squeeze until the end

As baby takes up more and more room your lung capacity is decreased. Make sure to monitor your breathing and be assertive with your PHC when it is more than being 'pregnant and out of breath' and rather MG related.

With this squeeze indigestion and acid reflux often increases. Thankfully most over the counter antacid liquids, like Gaviscon, are safe for MG mommies. Make sure to double check your brand.

The baby shower 

For me, this could only be described as 'A coming together of supportive woman to bless our baby to be'. Here are a few great gift ideas for MG mommies to be that I received:

- a Bouncer chair: a Safe place to put the baby and rock him when your arms tire.

- a Wrap/baby carrier: babywearing helps mom (and dad) to bond with baby. Once again these wraps/carriers will save your arms when they start to fatigue.

- Food containers: This will mainly be used when baby starts to eat solids. Storage containers come in handy to prepare a bulk of food that can then easily be defrosted to feed your hungry little monster.

- A spa day for mom: By the third trimester, everything aches and you can no longer see your toes much less reach them. A pamper day is a perfect gift that mommy can use before or after the birth.

- Practical help after the birth: Whether it's a voucher from a take-out place, the offer to come and walk the dogs or clean the house these practical needs will need to be taken care of once the baby has arrived. So why not offer mom the help? It much easier to call on someone that has offered then ask for help and worry about being a burden.

- Things off the baby registry: while the shops may be filled with the cutest clothes and shoes most MG mommies will be aware of the things they need. There is a reason for the registry so if you can resist temptation rather buy something that is needed. If not money always goes a long way!

I was very very blessed and we received everything (and more) that we could possibly need.

Make use of your final alone time

This may be the last time for a while that you can 'just quickly' do anything. With this in mind you may want to include some of these activities into your maternity leave:
- Meet up with friends
- Have a haircut
- Get a pedicure. By now you will not be able to reach your toes
- Pack (and repack) your hospital bags
- Finish washing the baby clothes and bedding
- Cook meals to be frozen and reheated
- Fill all necessary prescriptions
- Finish that book you have been reading
- Have a maternity shoot. This is recommended to be done before week 36. Remeber that premature delivery is a high possibility for MG mommies so make sure to do this asap if you really desire it.
- Meet up with all the members of your delivery team including your Peaditirican, Anaesthetist, Neurologist, Midwife and Gynecologist.
- REST! REST! REST! Enjoy sleeping late and mid-day naps!

I can't wait to write the next instalment in this series and show off the pictures of our beautiful blessing!


  1. I started on COPD Herbal treatment from Ultimate Life Clinic, the treatment worked incredibly for my lungs condition. I used the herbal treatment for almost 4 months, it reversed my COPD. My severe shortness of breath, dry cough, chest tightness gradually disappeared. Reach Ultimate Life Clinic via their website at www.ultimatelifeclinic.com . I can breath much better and It feels comfortable!


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