How can a Speech Therapist help an MG warrior?
A Tuff Pill To Swallow To follow this blog on Facebook click: Please note that this post has been split into swallowing and speech difficulties in order to allow for easy reading. Post 1: Learning how to swallow in times of autoimmune flare Before I was diagnosed, I had great difficulty swallowing. My diagnosing Dr. mentioned that it would start to improve once the medication started to take effect. After 6 months I could see improvement, however, I was still choking on a cup of tea and taking an hour eat half a sandwich which lead me to feel highly frustrated. My friend Stephanie was studying Speech Therapy at the time. After telling her my concerns she suggested a few practical steps which I still use today when I am having a bad day. Stephanie now owns her own private practice and was kind enough to answer some questions that I feel will be beneficial for MG warriors to know. My personal comments are added in i...