Solving Toileting needs at home
Solving Toileting needs at home It is one of our basic needs. When it becomes a difficult or impossible task it can play havoc with your independence, privacy and self-esteem. Here are some tips that have helped me to keep the personal things personal. Having difficulty standing up from the toilet is often the first indications for me a flare is on its way. I sit down only to find that standing is now out of the question. The first time this happened I dissolved into a puddle of tears, calling my husband to come rescue me. Solutions: 1) The height of the toilet. While you are able to purchase toilets that are slightly higher off the ground than average, unless you're installing a new bathroom this may not be an option. Rather buy a raised toilet seat. This will limit the amount of effort required by the large muscles in your legs to stand. If you have children at home you can also remove the raised seat to allow them easy access. Make sure that it sits...