Second Trimester with Myasthenia Gravis

The second trimester is typically said to be the best time of your pregnancy. For me and my growing belly, I have to agree. With nausea settling and my bump actually starting to be visible, here are some of my second trimester highlights and advice for MG mommies. Appointments: The Gynecologist was very insistent on seeing me every month as to monitor baby and my progress. While at times this seemed excessive it was always worth the sneak peek at our baby and to know that all was well. Our 20-week scan was at a specialized fetal assessment center for an in-depth evaluation. Currently, there are no known side effects of the medication I am on or having MG per say on the baby therefore this was to clarify any abnormailites. When going for any tests relating to abnormalities in your baby it is best to have an idea about what your decision would be if that test comes back positive. This also means that if you are placed in a high-risk category for anything you can decide if you w...