Storm waves or Learning Curves

When I was younger, my parents owned a small sailing boat. We spent many relaxing days sailing on both the Vaal and Hartebeespoort dam. My Dad was our Captain, My Mom, deck hand and myself a 6-year-old Barbie Princess obsessed self always in my lumo life vest. When on board I always had my life vest on. My Mom was strict about this. 

One sunny morning we headed out on the Vaal for a sail around the island.Half way through our trip the clouds started coming in. Not worried I continued playing on deck.

I can only remember snip bits from there onwards. The wind getting colder and it starting to rain. The boat going from a gentle rock to almost keeling over. My Mom getting me to sit just inside the door of the cabin to protect me from the waves now washing the deck.

Maybe it was because of the chaos on deck and the overpowering elements, but I can't remember any sounds. No screaming or crying. In fact, I can't even remember being that scared. I do remember praying.  When I didn't know what else to pray I remember singing songs I had learnt at Sunday School.

My Mom while pedantic about my physical life vest had blessed me with another more powerful saving Grace.

Next thing I knew it was just Mom and I on board. My Dad had been washed overboard. My Mom managed to navigate back to my Dad and rescue him. Slowly but surely my parents tacked their way back to the harbour.

Exhausted and back on shore I remember another sailor patting my Dad on the back saying that we were now ‘experienced sailors’ because we had survived the storm.

Perhaps God doesn't let us go through storms to test us but rather to give us the calloused hands of experience.

I have faced many more life storms since. None of which involved a sailing boat. Being diagnosed with a chronic illness in 2007, my life became even more stormy. Just surviving some days I felt deserved a pat on the back. Sometimes I have to wonder was this all just preparation for future life?

Even though I no longer have my lumo life vest, I always have prayer, I always have praise, I can hide from the waves in his presence until my boat is guided to safety. All I need is a childlike faith.

Psalm 89:8-9New International Version (NIV)

Who is like you, Lord God Almighty?
    You, Lord, are mighty, and your faithfulness surrounds you.
You rule over the surging sea;
    when its waves mount up, you still them.


  1. This post is so well written. You're so strong and I hope you can battle through any storms that may happen in the future. Aoife x |

    1. Thanks Aoife! Hope and perseverance are my two main life Ingeridents!

  2. This is insightful, and I love your attitude!

    1. Thanks. It took me a while to write so glad to get the god reception.

  3. What a fantastic post! I love that outlook, that hardship isn't to test us but to provide us with experience.
    Cora ❤

  4. Battling storms is what having a chronic condition is all about. When we go to war with our own bodies we fight the longest most difficult war of our lives. Congratulations on a a great battle so far and many many successful days to come.

    1. The same for you too Rick! Keep fighting the good fight!

  5. Wow!! This is such a beautiful analogy and so well written!! Love it❤️

    1. Thank you my friend for the continued encouragement!

  6. That must have been so scary for your whole family - great analogy! xx

    1. It was, but we kept Sailing! Thanks for the feedback!

  7. I love your post. Thanks so much for the words of inspiration. Reminds me to continue to walk in faith.

    1. Thank you so much Kendra. Glad it was able to encourage you!

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