The 5 main things I learnt about Cyclosporine in 2016

My experiences with Cyclosporin 2016 At the end of 2015 I reached my lowest point with my battle with MG thus far. I agreed to my Neurologists recommendation that I start a new immunueosupressent, Cyclosporin. In South Africa, it is dispensed through Novartis, under the trade name Neural. It is recommended for MG warriors that have severe and resistant MG. 1 Here are the five most important facts I have learned over the regarding Cyclosporin over the last year. 1) It takes time to start working Once I started Cyclosporin, I did not feel an immediate change. After approximately two months I started to feel some positive spin-offs. I was no longer struggling to swallow and I was strong enough to walk short distances with a cane. After 4 months I felt strong enough start driving short distances and walking independently. Every week since, I could feel my strength improving. I still have flares and bad days, but with pacing, lifestyle changes and res...