When awareness becomes Stigma

The Risks and Benefits of Awareness June has been Myasthenia Gravis Awareness Month. I have experienced the privilege of writing my own posts and memes. I have also been featured in one guest blog and interviewed by our local paper . I honestly feel that this the most awareness I have ever spread on the social media front. The highlight from this is the increased support I have gained from my fellow Krugersdorpians, chronic illness warriors, friends and family. My blog, Facebook page and Twitter account have never before had so action! The downside has been the negative comments. I understand that by writing about my life and MG, I open myself up to the potentiality of these comments, but they still hurt. Before I blogged I was open to speaking about my diagnosis. Since then I have realised that there is a difference between diagnostic disclosing and full disclosure. Saying I have MG and these are my symptoms to letting people into your heart. Letting them ...