1st Trimester of Pregnancy and MG

I was late but not certain. I crept out of bed early and found the pregnancy test I had bought the day before. So many times before I had taken this test and seen a negative result, but this felt different.   After doing a silent happy dance, much to my dog's amusement, I silently climbed back into bed, waited for my husband to wake up and prayed a thankful prayer. as I'm not very good at keeping secrets I woke him after 10 min to share our happy news!

The first trimester is characterised medically by the first 3 months of pregnancy.
Personally, it's been 3 of the most exciting, but anxiety provoking months of my life.
If you have just found out you're pregnant or are planning here are 5 things to remember.

1. Choose the right Dr for you, preferably prior to conception. 

Make sure to find a Dr. that will work with you and neurologist. First prize would be someone who has guided a woman with MG through her pregnancy. I asked my neurologist for a referral and saw my Gynaecologist for an initial consultation prior to falling pregnant. The hospital they both practice at also has a NICU and therefore is suitable for all baby and my medical needs should they arise.

2. Prenatal Medication

Most prenatal multivitamins contain high levels of Magnesium. Drs advise that MG warriors are not to take any extra magnesium as it can cause a worsening of symptoms. Within the first trimester folic acid and Vit D are said to be the most important supplements to take. I initially just bought theses over the counter but have since got a good multivitamin combination from my homoeopath.

4. Managing fatigue

MG is typically characterised by fatigue of the muscles. With a changing, growing body extra energy is needed. I didn't have any extra fatigue for the first 7 weeks, however week 8-12 have been tough.I have installed removable hand rails in my shower and stopped all my extra activities besides work. this is difficult as I tend to get bored easily but I feel that it is worth it.

5. Nausea

After having to learn to take 25 pills a day and not throw up I felt like I had also been on nausea boot camp training thanks to Myasthenia. It's a classic symptom that pregnant woman can really struggle with. Besides having the feeling of nausea I only threw up once. I found surprisingly that brushing my teeth was the biggest trigger. Try to identify your triggers to help control your nausea and if not try to ride the wave the best possible. Small meals and salty snacks seemed to aid this process.

3. Telling people

If there was one thing to trigger my anxiety and symptoms this was it. It's such a special and exciting opportunity, but can also be such an overwhelming one. Most people hold off at least until they have a confirmed heartbeat. After 12 w the chance of miscarriage significantly decreases so some choose to wait until this stage. Telling those close to you early can also be an advantage as they can support you if something goes wrong. As mentioned above I'm not a very good secret keeper and so we told our immediate family and friends early.

A happy, healthy pregnancy to all!

To read about the overall need to know points of MG and Pregnancy click HERE


  1. I will leave the pregnancy to others. (I mean obviously I guess) but I am thrilled you are so excited. Congratulations.

  2. I started on COPD Herbal treatment from Ultimate Life Clinic, the treatment worked incredibly for my lungs condition. I used the herbal treatment for almost 4 months, it reversed my COPD. My severe shortness of breath, dry cough, chest tightness gradually disappeared. Reach Ultimate Life Clinic via their website at www.ultimatelifeclinic.com . I can breath much better and It feels comfortable!


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